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Manual Therapy That Matters
Not Just Better, At Home in Your Body
When was the last time you felt at home in your body…? If you are suffering pain and discomfort, it’s probably been awhile. I can help.
Many of us are too healthy for the doctor but too messed up to live life the way we really want to live it. Something’s off. We no longer feel like our selves and we have all the pain, stiffness, lethargy, and loss of freedom to prove it.
How we walk across a room is how we walk through our lives. We can either experience life from a wholesome sense of self, or we can experience it as the symptoms that hold us back. Let me help you find the experience that matters most to you.
Now Scheduling In Santa Fe!
My Practice Is Transitioning to Santa Fe, and I Am No Longer Scheduling New Clients in Austin.
Rolfing® SI
As a Rolfer™, I specialize in a hands-on therapy that focuses on addressing problems in the body structure, and not just the symptoms. By working with the connective tissue of the body (fascia, tendons, ligaments) I am able to intervene into chronically held tensional patterns that are interfering with your wellbeing.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)
I also provide craniosacral therapy, a light touch whole body modality that supports the body’s wisdom in healing itself. Like Rolfing, BCST challenges dysfunctional patterns that give rise to disease, dysfunction, and distress. These patterns often show up as insomnia, head and belly aches, and levels of stress that don’t go down.
Your body wants to be whole, and this wholeness lives in our fluid, liquid body as well as our tissue body. BCST helps supports your body’s natural wholeness to dissolve through all your stuck places. BCST can help unlock the mystery of your health.
Manual Therapy
We all get in trouble with our bodies sometimes, even Rolfers. Hands-on therapy judiciously applied to the relevant areas can be a lifesaver. While the processes of a Rolfing or BCST series will undoubtedly accumulate into something larger than the sum of its parts, a little spot work here and there can help you limp along until you’re really ready to level up.