As a Rolfer™, I specialize in a hands-on therapy that focuses on addressing problems in the body structure, and not just the symptoms. By working with the connective tissue of the body (fascia, tendons, ligaments) I am able to intervene into chronically held tensional patterns that are interfering with your wellbeing.
You may have once considered all of this as ‘normal,’ or even as “who you are,” but now there’s no arguing. These patterns are causing problems and getting worse the longer you do nothing. With Rolfing, we can challenge these patterns directly. The work also lasts longer than you’d expect. By aligning the body in gravity as we work, the benefits of Rolfing continue beyond each session and series. Over time we can render a wholesome pattern out of a fractured or compromised one. The body is then better able to do what it’s always trying to do: heal itself, rise to a higher level of order.
My clients often report less pain, greater ease of movement and being, a greater sense embodiment and sometimes a new sense of self. They come for relief but stay to evolve into who they want to be. Their bodies love feeling free.